Monday, December 28, 2009

3rd Annual S4S/Ugly Sweater/White Elephant Christmas Party


I know you are wondering where in the world Pete found the beautiful poncho/sweater i am wearing-why ebay is the answer and he was so excited about it. Everyone was secretly jealous of it:) We gave away a BYU snuggie blanket for our WE gift and it was the most fought over item of the night-needless to say I was very surprised. Thanks everyone for all your generosity in S4S and for another fun party.


I was grateful when the party was over because Pete no longer had an excuse to keep his mustache.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Meet Tiger...


Yes, I know I am a month late, but I had to post this-to get rid of the last post and also to show what he ended up dressing up as. I think I have been so slow to post because Halloween was such a bust and Pete and I had been so excited to celebrate the holiday. Ry woke up from his nap extremely grumpy and after about 2 houses he had taken off all the parts of his costume that let you know he was supposed to be a Tiger Woods. I got tired of explaining that my child was not just dressed in a red polo shirt and black pants. Oh well, maybe next year...

Meet the other tiger in our lives, oh wait she is actually a "toyger" kitten-some special, exotic breed pete had been begging me to let him get for months. I did not grow up with animals and don't share the LOVE that Ry and Pete have for every animal on the planet. (Pete keeps a list of animals we will have some day including: sharks, dolphins, monkeys, dogs, etc.-yes we will be opening up our own Zoo.) And did I mention I am HIGHLY allergic to cats. Somehow that did not deter my husbands in his efforts, he claimed this was supposed to be a "hypoallergenic" breed. (Even though he claimed that to me with the last kitty we got and had to give up after three days because I was so allergic.) But, I knew how much it meant to both my boys so I told him I would try again-true love right there:) I am still allergic, but I am trying to make this one work. She really is darling and acts more like a dog than a cat so I really can't complain. Hopefully the allergies will just magically go away.