Thursday, September 30, 2010


Some of the random things we have been up to lately

In August, I went to San Francisco with my parents and little sister-first on our list-a chocolate stop:)

I loved this art exhibit so much I am going back in November to see the other half.

My dad surprised us all and got tickets to see the play

Day trip to Arches


Ry's first day of preschool-I couldn't get him to look at me or make a normal face

The wedding of a really, really good life long friend-I don't know if I have EVER been so happy for someone!

Happy Thursday!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

8 Years


Three days ago Pete and I celebrated 8 years of marriage-EIGHT years!-that sounds like so many to me and I can only hope to spend 8 times that together. They have definitely not been perfect years by any means, but they have been years that have brought us closer together as a couple, taught us how to love on an entire new level, and made me realize how lucky I am to be married to this man.