We just got home from a trip to Hawaii with his family-they were so nice to take the entire family-and are trying to get over our jet lag. We had a wonderful time playing at the beach and relaxing in the sun. Ryan didn't quite understand how to play very well at the beach, but he sure enjoyed covering himself and his fishy crackers with sand. The trip was great until the flight home. It was an overnight flight and I didn't sleep a single second of it. Pete had started to feel sick during the day and then once we got on the plane started throwing up and threw up the entire six hour flight-at one point he even fell asleep in bathroom because he had been in there so long. Ryan slept the first hour and a half and then woke up and started kicking the seat in front of him and freaking out. I hurried and got him out of his seat and then had to hold him for two and a half hours-most of the time standing up. My arms were killing me and it was a little difficult with all the turbulence. Needless to say I was grateful when we landed-it was a rough flight in more than one way.
Playing with cousins
Even blankie got to play at the beach
Covered in sand and eating my crackers!