The whole group right before we headed into the jungle to haul our wood out for the houses
In the middle of the jungle getting the wood for the houses-this was the COOLEST day! Later we found out their was a huge cobra nest right next to where we were getting our wood.
My friend Katie and I throwing candy out to the kids
Showing off the chocolate chip starfish
Hanging with the darling filipino kids
Mixing the cement for the foundations
At the beautiful Bohol Beach Club
My cousin Nate and I with the famous transvestite at the giant python cage-yes that is a man-it did two lip syncing performances shortly after this picture
Pete helping the dentists at one of the medical clinics
The special forces army invited us to their camp and let us shoot their huge guns. I was horrible and they told me I needed a lot more practice.
In front of one of the houses we started
This was our beautiful backdrop for where we built the majority of the houses-the town was called "Behind the Clouds"