So many of you have wondered why I have been so elusive when it came to where we were moving to, and the answer to that question is because up until Thursday night we didn’t know 100% where that place would be. Pete had been accepted into law school, but none of the schools felt like the right “fit” for our family. We felt like it would work out, but we didn’t’ know exactly how that would be or when it would happen. At the beginning of August we were moving to California, then a few days later it was to Washington, and a few days after that we found out we could actually stay here.
To say it has been an emotional rollercoaster is an understatement. I went from finishing my job of four years, to packing a house and preparing myself to say good-bye to family and friends to going back to work, unpacking boxes and scrambling to put my life back together. I don’t even know what I feel anymore. I am excited, shocked, homesick for a place I never got to move to, and relieved all at the same time.
Don’t get me wrong-I am happy that we get to stay here it's just that the end result was SO different than we ever imagined it will take some adjusting. We really are excited and more importantly Pete feels like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders-enough so that he is FINALLY sleeping at nights. So what more could I ask for???
So without further adieu, I give you the end result of this craziness:
BYU called and offered Pete a spot in their 2011 class so he actually won’t be starting law school for another year. Maybe that will give him some time to finish his master’s of public health thesis :) and for us to enjoy life without one of us going to school. And i really am grateful to have more time with family...