Thursday, March 15, 2012

Half Way

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I can't believe I am already half way-the next 20 weeks are going to be busy (well at least for Pete) so I am sure they are going to fly by. This little boy is wild and has been doing flips inside me for weeks now-If he is anything like Ryan the energy will never stop. Thank you to everyone for all the love and support you have shown us-it has meant so much to us.


Ashley said...

Seriously, half way, but you are so tiny! Congrats on being halfway there!

Cason and Marie said...

You are tiny!!! You look adorable. I am so excited for you and for Ryan to have a little buddy. He will be such a good big brother. xoxo

Amy and Clark said...

I hope you actually start looking pregnant by the time August roles around! You are beautiful as always. Can't wait for that little guy to get here!

Holly Park said...

Please tell me you took that picture about 12 weeks ago bc I look like that after a handful of chips! But seriously, You look great and I am already countmg down to meet that little monkey!

The Speres said...

You're half way already? How the time flies! And you look so beautiful. SO happy for you guys!

Nicci Mahone said...

AAAAHHH!!! Halfway there!!! SOOO EXCITED!!! (You look amazing.) Tell little Ry-Guy to take care of you!

Josh and Bam said...

That is so great! I am so happy for you!

Nicci Mahone said...

Just looked at your blog again and I just wanted to say, "ONLY TWO MORE MONTHS!!!" I Love you so much!

abo-bder said...
