Don't get me wrong I love my child, and being a mom and blah, blah, blah, but some days are just rough-and today was such a day. It is never a good omen when Ryan goes to bed super late the night before and then wakes up really early-and I mean hours earlier than normal. He started the day grumpy. He napped really early and not very long and then woke up with a fever (I am pretty sure his 2-year-old molars are breaking thru). I desperately needed to go to the grocery store so after the motrin and tylenol kicked in we got into the car.
He was already upset because blankie was in the washer and couldn't come on the outing with us. Ryan has been having issues riding in the cart lately but I made sure we got a "special" cart that has a little car to ride in in the front. The novelty wore off after about 5 min of being in the store and he climbed out and started screaming when I even suggested getting back in. I let him help me push the cart, but every time I would stop to put something in the cart he would start putting his own stuff in the cart and eventually just started running away from me. I decided I had had enough of that nonsense so decided it was time to force him back into the cart. Then the screaming came back and the stares started up again. I tried to laugh about the fact that everyone was looking at me and watching me struggle with my child, but in reality I was having to take deep breaths to keep myself from crying. He was hysterical and wouldn't even take an ice cream cone (which for him is HUGE). All these old ladies kept trying to offer advice over the screaming and I know they were trying to help, but in reality they were just making it worse.
I only had a few things left to get at this point so I just pushed him around while he was screaming and made sure I only looked forward to ignore the stares. He settled down right as we were checking out and we managed to survive the trip. Needless to say, I was relieved when I sat behind the steering wheel of my car but not before thoughts of selling Ryan on ebay started to cross my mind...