"Mommy for Halloween I want to be poopy and diarrhea"
I didn't know how to respond because I was so surprised.
All I could think about was how interesting a costume like that would be...
Then he preceded to tell me he wanted to be "A french fry and a chicken nuggie"
Okay Ry, I think we will just stick with you being Tiger Woods instead;)

Just a couple of my favorite pics of my funny boy from summer-they were both taken on Pete's iPhone so that is why the quality isn't the best.
this is funny - poopy huh? well, have a blast making that costume - just don't make it stink like the real deal! boys are the best! he looks like a miniature pete in the pics with boots i think! can't wait to see you soon! xoxoxoo
That is sooo funny. Did he get that idea from Stain? I read this before bed and just kept laughing thinking about you thinking how interesting that costume would be. Thanks for the good laugh. We will be there for Thanksgiving and we can't wait to see you guys.
Cute! That would be an interesting costume! I love Ryan's shoes/rain boots!
I will probably be laughing all weekend at the halloween suggestions, he is so funny!
See you in a week!!!
Lindsey's favorite phrase right now is "poopy diaper." She says it about 100 times a day, so I bet her and Ryan would get along great. It would make for an interesting costume though...
I love the photo with Ryan by the car in his diaper. I love naked and half-naked kids.
I kinda want to know what that would look like......but at the same time I don't:)
Um, I think we need to see a picture of Tiger.
My all time favorite look for kids....boots with no pants!
First, Happy Halloween - Love the poopy diarrhea comment! - Love your family pictures - and happy birthday Ryan! Great posts! Hope you're doing well. You are the most beautiful little family ever! :)
Anne, I want your address for a Christmas card. Could you put it in a comment on my blog? I'll delete it right after I get it. Thanks.
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