Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I have fallen in love....
... with running in the freezing cold. I always looked at the people who ran when it was 20 degrees and thought they were crazy and now I have become one of those crazies:) Usually when the cold weather comes I just run on the treadmill-which I kind of hate-but this year I invested in some real running clothes and I can't believe how much I LOVE running outside in the cold. I am sure the people I pass probably wonder why I have the biggest cheesy grin on my face, but I don't care, I am enjoying looking psycho. I just wish I could warm up after I come inside....
Sunday, November 21, 2010
the other half

When I asked pete if I could get a plane ticket for my birthday to go to San Francisco to see the other half of the art exhibit i saw in August, he was in shock (usually I just ask for clothes that I have usually already purchased:) ). My sister and 2 of her friends came along and we had SUCH a great time. We went on some really incredible runs-such a great way to see a city-biked over golden gate bridge and down to Fisherman's Wharf, went to the art exhibit and shopped. I loved spending time with my older sis and her friends, but was so sad it didn't work out for my friend Margaret to come at the last min. We had perfect weather-it was 75 and sunny in Nov, but I sure was happy to see my boys when I got home.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A little bit late...
I know halloween was 2 weeks ago, but things got a little crazy around here and so I am just getting around to posting these pictures. This was the first halloween that Ryan actually "got" the glory of trick-or-treating! It was so much fun to see him run from house to house with his friends, and this year he actually wanted to go to more that 2 houses without crying. Lucky for us, Ry forgot about most of his candy after the next day-which is probably best considering the whole teeth fiasco. Pete did tell me though that I was the evil halloween mom since I sent Ry to the house that gave out full candy bars twice:)

all pics from my iphone

all pics from my iphone
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