Just like most people, I feel like i am in a constant balancing act with all the different roles I need to fulfill-mother, wife, daughter, sister, nurse, YW leader, neighbor, etc-but I can't seem to find the perfect balance in order to keep them from shifting the weight and causing my whole world to topple over. I can't seem to devote enough time to each area that I feel like I am giving it everything I have. I always seem to be thinking about something else I need to do when I should be focused on the present task.
I am especially struggling to find balance between work and being a mother. I find myself spending more time at work than I ever planned or wanted to, but I have to be there for financial reasons. Maybe I am struggling because I am constantly battling feelings of guilt-I feel guilty for leaving him to go to work, I feel guilty when I leave to exercise, I feel guilty if we don't do enough projects, i feel guilty if I let him watch too much TV, I feel guilty if he doesn't eat well or we don't read enough books. I need to learn to balance these two worlds so that I can feel some sort of peace in both of them. I love being a mom, and someday hope to be home all the time but have to figure out how to blend two worlds right now. I realized-after reading a blog post-that when I am home I need to take some time out of each day to spend quality time with Ryan and not push my agenda on him, but let him decide what happens. But how do I overcome that guilt that I feel on a daily basis? What are you doing to find true balance in your life?